Saturday, September 20, 2008
di neuro...
akhirnya keluar juga dari neuro!!!
en the best part is.. kami gak usah ngumpul jurnal, hahahaha!!!!
gak papa lha bohong dikit, tapi kan yg penting nilai kami keluar..
Asyik lah!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Alhamdulilllah.. udah siap Jiwa. En nilainya juga nyenengin, dapat A. Alhamdulillah lagi..
Mmm..asyik di Jiwa, apalagi di RSJ-nya.
Jadi inget, pas pertama kali datang, takutnya minta ampun deh ! Perut mules, jalan pelan-pelan, nunduk terus, en sekalinya dongak, langsung disamperin ama pasien yang..item, tinggi, gak pake baju pula! wuaaaa... dia nanya, " Dok, ngapain dok? Cari siapa? " wuaaaa, takut bgt... Dng senyum terpaksa (sambil doa2), aq jawab " Gak bg." Langsung aq cabut, cari teman2 lain. Pyuuh..
Hari kedua, udah lebih berani. Hari ke tujuh, udah sama deh omongannya ama yang gila. Hehehe..
Yang paling berkesan, waktu ketemu pasien yang cita-citanya pengen jadi Nabi Nuh! Punya istri bidadari di surga, en bisa liat malaikat kalo malem. Ajaib kali ni pasien. Bajunya 5 lapis, biar kuat katanya. Sukaaa bgt kami tanya2in ntah apa, ntar jawabnya ntah apa pula, en lucu banget! Pokonya kalo udah suntuk, kami tinggal datengin bangsalnya, ngajak dia keluar, en pasti hari itu diakhiri dengan ketawa2 gak brenti.
Hari terakhir kami ketemu dia, kami suruh nyanyi. Dia cuma tau lagunya Slam, yang "kusangkakan.. panas berpanjangan. rupanya gerimis..rupanya gerimis..mengundang, ang..ang..ang..ang.." Hihihi..
Ada juga sih yang sedih, kayak jadi gila gara2 gak lulus SPMB, gak lulus masuk polisi, dimarahin mamanya, ama gagal kawin mpe 3 kali. Sedih lha.. makanya hidup ini harus disyukuri, en aq jadi banyak belajar dari situ.
Well, besok, masuk Neuro.
Moga aja dapet pengalaman yang lebih lagi deh. Aminn..
Dah ya, met malem..
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Schizophrenia from DSM IV-TR
To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, a person must display:
Characteristic symptoms:
Two or more of the following, each present for much of the time during a one-month period (or less, if symptoms remitted with treatment) :
- delusions
- hallucinations
- disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence; speaking in abstracts).
- grossly disorganized behavior (e.g. dressing inappropriately, crying frequently) or catatonic behavior
-negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening (lack or decline in emotional response), alogia (lack or decline in speech), or avolition (lack or decline in motivation).
If delusions are judged to be bizarre, or hallucinations consist of hearing one voice participating in a running commentary of the patient's actions or of hearing two or more voices conversing with each other, only that symptom is required above. The speech disorganization criterion is only met if it is severe enough to substantially impair communication.
Social/occupational dysfunction: For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, are markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset.
Duration: Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least six months. This six-month period must include at least one month of symptoms (or less, if symptoms remitted with treatment).
Schizophrenia cannot be diagnosed if symptoms of mood disorder or pervasive developmental disorder are present, or the symptoms are the direct result of a general medical condition or a substance, such as abuse of a drug or medication.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Anggun is having a baby

waaaaa... anggun udah hamil, melahirkan, en anaknya di kasih nama Kirana.
blm ada fotonya nih, cuma anggun waktu hamil aja yang masih konser2 gitu di Paris.
kenapa gak booming ya beritanya??
but anyway, i still love Anggun and be happy for her coz finally she completed her life. a great singer, a great entertainer, a sexy woman ( no one can deny this!), and now as a mom.
anggun.. enjoy ur new life episode yaaaaa..
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Salad Days... SUka bgt!!

Apalagi cerita Yuuki-Futaba yang akhirnya happy ending. Wuih!!! LOve it so much!
Mau tau knp?
- tokoh utamanya cowok semua
- ceritanya gak pasaran
- gambarnya baguuussss
- apalagi yang cowok, kok jadi cakeeep bgt..
- seringnya happy ending!
- bisa bikin ketawa, sedih, terharu..
- en pernah lho mimpi ttg Kamiyama Yuuki, He's real in my mind!
mmm.. maybe. =)
Ayo, ayo, yg blm baca, buruan deh pinjem ama yang punya, karena kayaknya udah out of print deh!
I loveee Yuuki..
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Besok janji Ko As
Baju ko as? check!
Badge Nama? check!
Rok panjang? Check!
Baju kemeja? check!
SEPATU flat item? check!
Ok, Way to Go..
Ready... Set... Go!!
Alhamdulillah bulan depan gelar udah nambah satu..
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
di jakarta
Yup, my holiday this time full of nemenin papa berobat.
(dokter juga manusia ya, bisa sakit..)
en aq baru tau kalo ternyata papa yang udah sering keluar masuk ruang OT (operation theatre) bisa jadi takut en tegang bgt pas giliran papa yang dioperasi.
en ternyata,udah perforasi.. Ya Allah, aq gak tau lah yang terjadi kayak gimana kalo malam tadi gak jadi dioperasi.
Jadwal awal papa dioperasi jam 7. Tapi gara2 ada mahasiswa yang "sangat solidaritas" bakar mobil di tengah2 jalan Sudirman, dokter bedahnya terjebak disana.
So, jam 12 malam baru papa masuk ruang Operasi en baru selesai...5 Jam kemudian!!
Gila kan, aq yang nungguin mpe takut.. ada apa ya kok mpe lama gitu....
ternyata udah Perforasi Gall Bladdernya.
Sekarang masih pakai drain, takut kalo masih ada pus disana..
mpe sekarang papa masih puasa, padalan udah puasa dari jam 12 siang kemaren.. Masih distensi gitu, en belum ada peristaltik.
Poor papa..
Kadang, emang kita yang dokter, yang udah tau gejala penyakitnya, cenderung jadi gak aware. kayak papa yang udah sakit dari bulan lalu, ud ada gejala kolik bilier nya tapi masih juga dibiarin.. masih juga di-DD dengan penyakit2 lain. Akhirnya, jadi lambat penanganannya.
En ternyata, netapin diagnosa untuk teman sejawat, lebih susah..
papa ni untuk diagnosa ada Cholecystitis ini aja, mpe pakai USG,MRI,MRCP,ERCP, di dua R yang beda, RS Cikini, en Singapore General Hospital. Baru pulang lagi, balik lagi ke Jakarta, ke RSCM. Dari sana, baru ke Siloam Hospital..
padalan dari awal udah tegak diagnosanya Acute Cholecystitis.
tapi, karena ragu...jadi gini deh. Pake dirujuk ke SGH segala untuk 2nd opinion. Seharusnya kita pede donk, ma hasil pemeriksaan kita.. Dokter Indonesia gak kalah pintar kok..
Yo wes, jadi pembelajaran aja... kalo udah tau diagnosanya, langsung ditangani. Pede aja!!!!
Ngapain pake kita ke Singapore dulu baru pede, ya kan??
Kita gak kalah pinter kok.
maju dokter indonesia!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
make decision : bitter but sweet
en gak jarang jadi ngelanggar pilihan aq yang pertama tadi.
hari ini aq udah ngambil keputusan.. agak sedih sih, but it's not the end of the world kan? en ika, JANGAN COBA-COBA BUAT DILANGGAR!
Ini yang susah kan..
Time.. i'm counting on you to help me doing my decision.
'coz only time can prove it.
(besok ke Jakarta, ngantarin papa ke Siloam. Hope everything will be okay.)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Singapore Flyer : The biggest wheel in the world!!!
GUEDEEEEE BGT. UNTUNG bukan ban mobil yach!! hehehehe..
love the scenery, love the building, keren lah dari atas.
U should try it!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
BUat yang penasaran kenapa aq ngumpulin artikel tentang ke NZ gini, boleh tanya kok. Tapi, the simplest answer i can give u is : Aq emang terobsesi bgt pengen ke sana, hehehe..
Tenang, masih byk waktu kok biar rencana ke NZ-nya fix. Ni salah satu prosesnya.
Semangat ika! U can go there!
How to Plan for Travel to New Zealand
Steps :
1. Prepare for the intense heat. Cover up with a hat, long-sleeve shirt and long pants. Sunburn and sunstroke are the main health hazards, so make sure to void dehydration. Wear layered outfits as the weather frequently changes suddenly, especially at the change of seasons.
2. Tour Auckland by car, not by foot. This is a challenging place to commute. The city expanded out, not up. The expansive growth makes the city virtually impossible to explore on foot. What looks like a short walking distance on a map can turn out to be much longer.
3. Rent a Holden Commodore for some local flavor. The popular New Zealand car is built by General Motors but not sold in the States. Most agencies will include this car as a luxury item to travelers.
4. Enjoy the differences. Cars' directional signals and windshield wipers are a reverse of what most drivers would expect.
5. Remember to drive left and look right. Drive in the left lane. When turning left or right from a stop sign, the closest lane of traffic will come from the right. Look to your right first. Pedestrians should look right before they cross a road.
6. Be careful where you swim. Some South Island lakes hold tiny organisms that cause "duck itch" which is temporary, intense itching.
Tips & Warnings
Canadians and Americans can make dangerous missteps by looking left and stepping into the path of an oncoming car. Drive to your left, but look to your right.
Sites to help you :
Cheap rental cars NZ wide
Top quality Rental Cars in NZ, 24hr From$15 per day,FREE Airport Pickup
Rental Car Hire Auckland
Auckland Airport Car Rental, cheap cars from $15/day N.Z wide,24 hours
Rental Cars New Zealand
Branch's Nationwide. Great rates prompt service, large fleet.
New Zealand Car Rental
About New Zealand Rental Cars Ltd Quality cars & service – low rates.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
For me, it's a big no-no
WEll, those Things are...
1. Seruangan ama tikus
yes, i'm a rat-phobic. kalo ada pasti langsung teriak-teriak, langsung narik orang yang paling dekat aq jauh-jauh, langsung naik ke tempat yang lebih tinggi, dan terakhir..nangis.
dulu2nya, aq gak takut, cuma agak jijik aja ma tikus. tapi lama-lama, aq bisa histeris bgt kalo ada tikus lewat, en yang lebih parah, denger suara ciit-ciit gitu (aq asumsikan tu suara tikus), aq langsung ga bisa tidur.
aq tau, nih phobia udah parah bgt..
en untuk nyembuhinnya aq tau aq harus get used to ama tikus..
en mungkin aja salah satu terapinya, aq harus..Seruangan ama tikus!!!
well, No, thanks.. biar aja aq kayak gini, daripada harus seruangan ama tikus. Only the rat and me, oh no way..
(nb : untung eja gak takut tikus, Thank God)
2. Bungee Jumping
kqyaknya aq gak sekurang kerjaan itulah untuk capek-capek naik ke tempat tinggi, udah gitu loncat ke bawah (uupss, sorry para bungee-jumping freak).
en aq juga takut ama tempat tinggi. So, ga bakal deh..
(nb : naik bianglala aja aq takut..apalagi bungee jumping..)
3. Jadi Beatrix Kiddo
Walopun aq suka bgt film Kill Bill Vol.1, tapi Beatrix Kiddo terlalu kejam.. banyak bgt yang dibunuhnya.. terutama anak buah O-rin-ishii itu. Kalo aq, ih..udah takut liat segitu byk lawan, hehehe..
(nb : aq suka baju en sepatu kuning Onitsuka-nya, u rock!)
4. Scuba Diving
Jelas aja, aq takut tenggelam. Aneh ya? Ni kan diving, jadi emang harus tenggelam kan? Yah, gimana lagi?
(nb : kalo mau liat ikan-ikan aja, kan ada Underwater World, lebih cantik tempatnya, ada eskalator jalan lagi, gak perlu capek-capek, hehehe..)
5. Nonton film Horor
Duh, suka kebayang-kebayang kalo malem, makan tak enak tidur tak nyenyak deh, habis nonton film horor. Eja en ririn (adek aq), sukaaaaa bgt ngajakin aq nonton film horor, en aq pastiiiii langsung buang muka, pura-pura gak denger mereka bilang apa. SEbel kan, ngapain juga ditanyain lagi, aq pasti bilang gak lah..
(nb : film horor paling horor yang pernah aq tonton tuh Jelangkung, yang ada Winky-nya)
Waduh.. sebenarnya amasih banyak si yang aq takutin, kayak : dikejar orang gila, diseruduk angsa, di rumah sendirian, en makan makanan aneh.
Tapi, those things are top five of them.
Tau gak, orang pemberani itu = orang yang berani nunjukin ketakutannya.
Ni aq udah berani nunjukin ketakutan aq. Berarti aq pemberani donkk..
Monday, May 5, 2008
NZ...when will i see you??
So, Check This out!
The Best Active Vacations
Scuba Diving in the Poor Knights: Jacques Yves Cousteau rated this among the best diving spots in the world. This unique marine reserve has the best of tropical currents sweeping in to make it warm and inviting for a wide variety of tropical species that aren't found anywhere else in New Zealand's waters.
comment : mmm.. kayaknya gak deh.. pertama, aq ga bisa diving. kedua, aq takut tenggelam. ketiga, mending kalo mau liat ikan-ikan di Underwater World aja lah..
Blackwater Rafting in the Waitomo Glowworm Caves: Daredevils can now go underground to leap off waterfalls; slink through dark, damp, underground waterways; abseil off "Lost World" rock faces; and do other things in the dark.
comment : rafting ? gak lah.. takut jatuh, trus nabrak batu karang, hiiiy.. ngeliat orang rafting di Tv aja takut.. apalagi ngelakuin sendiri.. not now lah..
Trout Fishing in Taupo: They say the fish in Lake Taupo are so big that when you catch one, the lake level drops. The dozens of other rivers (especially world-renowned Tongariro) and streams in the region also have rich pickings for the fisherman.
Comment : seru juga kali mancing.. tapi, kan bosen.. udah gitu ikan segede gitu kan serem..
Sea Kayaking in Abel Tasman National Park: It takes a lot to beat this balmy little paddle into the best-preserved and most beautiful coastline of New Zealand. Keep company with nosy seal pups and dolphins; call into pristine, deserted beaches; and explore rocky headlands.
comment : kayaknya seru ni.. pasti pemandangannya bagus.. mmm..get one!
Walking the Glaciers: Dig out those snow boots and walking poles, add a dash of nerve and daring, and take the walk of a lifetime down Fox or Franz Josef Glaciers in the deep south. And don't forget your camera so you can bring home those unforgettable views into the snow caves.
comment : wuaaaa...snow! ok,i won't forget the camera!
Getting Wild in Queenstown: This is New Zealand's adrenaline capital, where you get more than one chance to show how crazy you really are. There are more daredevil stunts per square inch here than anywhere else in the country. An international skiing mecca in winter, it readily transforms itself into summer madness as well.
comment : r u ready to be wild? mmm..i don't think so.
Walking the Fiordland Tracks: If you fancy yourself as a multi-day tramper, there's plenty to keep you out of mischief in Fiordland. This is where you get some of the best walks in the world -- the Milford, the Hollyford, the Kepler, and the Routeburn tracks.
comment : walking? bener-bener walk? duh, mesti workout dulu ni, sebelum kesana.. hehehe! tapi demi the scenery along the road, it's worth it deh kayaknya..
well, ni kan cuma summary dari Frommer's: New Zealand. Aq si belum pernah kesana. But, one day, at least one in a life time, i will go there.
Tapi , kalo ada yang mau sponsorin si..yah.. Hahaha..
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Bandung.. finally i come
for myself : jangan banyak mengeluh!
loh, kok jadinya gitu? kan aku udah bilang pakai yang ini..
waaah, kata-kata di atas familiar bgt ma aku loh. Kayaknya tiada hari tanpa mengeluh deh.. what's wrong ya?
kata eja.. (aq gak tau ni valid ato gak), aku ni stres. karena apa? pasti pada ngira aq stress karena banyak yang mesti dilakuin.
Tapi bukaaaan, aq stres karena gak ada lagi yang mesti dikerjain! gak ada praktikum, ga ada tugas berat, makalah farmako gak ada, makalah yang lain pun gak gitu susah, en yang paling tragis, gakada kepanitiaan! duh,apa aq udah addict bgt ma sibuk ya??
maybe yes, maybe no. tapi kalo gak sibuk tuh, ranya capek, bosen, jadinya ngeluh2 terus..
duh, pokoknya ntar pas ko as aq gak boleh ngeluh2 lagi..
love urself today, ika..
Baca deh.. sapa tau aja, jadi punya pandangan lain about Marriage..
Those who are still single may learn something from here. Those who are already married may take it as a guideline to improve your marriage.
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question.
She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind. Here's the answer. EVERY relationship has a cycle.
In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love.
Because it's happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet." Think about the imagery of that expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling in love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?"
And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfilment.
Extramarital fulfilment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the expression "the labour of love."
Forgive your spouse who had make a huge mistake before, because loving your spouse is easy but to forgive them is hard, that is why you need to have the courage to forgive because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable.. . you can "make" love.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
jangan bising di warnet!
ngedenger anak-anak sma (girls)yang ketawa-ketawa ngakak di sebelah aq waktu lagi di warnet gini bikin mabok bgt..
padalan aq lagi konsen buat ngebaca informasi tentang scholarship, yang ternyata ribet bgt buat dibaca, ditambah lagi ama suara-suara manja cewek-cewek ini..ugh, pengen banget teriak SHUT UP!!!!!!
udah gitu, mbak-mbak yang jaga ngidupin winamp kenceng banget.. mpe sakit kuping aq ngedengernya..
duh..dimana yaa ada warnet yang cozy, tenang, profesional, en selama lagi di warnet gak boleh ada yang ngomong..
ada yang tau?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
mau interview buat les di CaSE
jadi inget waktu aq masih di bagansiapiapi, aq pernah les privat bahasa inggris 2 taon ma om joko.. om joko bukan lulusan sekolah inggris ato pernah skul abroad, dia cuma ngambil les kursus biasa waktu lagi diploma3 di pekanbaru, tapi uugghh....logatnya native bgt.. itu ngebikin aq jadi adar kalo gak perlu skul yang repot-repot bgt biar bisa bahasa inggris.
dulu, aq suka males pas om joko datang, aq pura-pura tidur, pura-pura lagi makan,segala pura-pura udah aq coba, tapi mama selalu berhasil bikin aq mw les lagi. untuuuung aja mama berhasil bikin aq le, kalo gak aq bakal buta bgt ma bahasa inggris. en aq cukup bangga donk waktu itu jadi satu-satunya murid di kelas yang bisa cas-cis-cu ma guru bahasa inggris aq di kelas.. (untuk ukuran skul di kota kecil kayak bagansiapiapi, udah hebat bgt tuh!)
o, aq mesti ngucapin hundreds thanks to my english teacher, mr.joko. for me, till now, u're irreplaceable as my best english teacher, u teach me from zero, thank you very much mr.joko, whereever u are now..
nb: kalo om joko baca ini, iq sekarang mau les di CaSE om, gurunya native om, dari Brittain.. tapi, teteup om joko gak terkalahkan deh..
Friday, February 1, 2008
horee..punya blog! and the secret of my nick name
well, hello..
nama aq ika. nama panjangnya fairuza laily. Biar gak nanya-nanya lagi pangggilan ika itu dari mana, sini aq jelasin.
Bukannya sombong, tapi statistik menunjukkan ni, hampir 90% pertanyaan pertama yang orang-orang tanyain pas ngedenger nama panggilan aq, adalah..."loh,ika nya dari mana, kok gak nyambung ama nama panjangnya?" so,so,so, aq udah kebiasaan bgt nyiapin jawabannya. asal tau aja ya, jawaban ini berubah2 loh semakin sering ditanya org. Dulu, waktu aq TK, pas ditanya gini, aq jawab : "ntah". Trus,waktu aq SD, berubah jd : "mmm..gak tau,ntar aq tanya mama dulu ya..". Udah SMP, aq mulai mikir jawaban yang lebih intelek lagi, jadi aq jawab : "ika tuh artinya 1, jadi klop ama aq yang anak no.1".. yah, tuh jawaban bertahan juga si mpe aq kelas 3 SMP.
Oya, wkt SMP aq pindah skul 3x, pertama di SMPN 01 Pekanbaru mpe kelas 1 cawu 1, trus ke SMP Wahidin Bagansipiapi mpe cawu 1 kelas 3, n terakhir di SMPN 04 Batam mpe tamat (cuma 2 cawu kok,hehehe!)
Hebatnya, di tiga sekolah itu juga terjadi fenomena nanyain asal muasal nama panggilan aq, n lagi gak ada ide buat modifikasi jawaban, jadilah tu jawaban bertahan 3 tahun.
So,the big question is...where the nick name 'ika' come from??
once upon a time, tgl 16 september jam 1 malam, aq lahir. Secara anak pertama, mama udah nyiapin nama buat aq, Fairuza Laily. Tapi....ternyata atuk (bapaknya papa) udah nyiapin nama buat aq. n emang sih, sesuai tradisi, atuk emang selalu ngasi nama buat anak pertama dari setiap anaknya yang punya anak. (sori d, kalo banyak kata anak-anak, tapi ngerti kan?). Tapi... mama gak mau, dia pengen dia yang kasih nama, namanya juga anak pertama, pasti excited dunk.. Sooo...daripada gak enak ma atuk yang baik hati (atuk emang baik,sayang bgt ma cucu2nya yang seabrek,next time i'll tell my memories with him), jadinya mama mau make nama dari atuk buat penggilan aq.
N.. nama dari atuk tuh: Ika &%@#^$% (maksudnya,aq gak tau apa nama panjang dari atuk, cuma tau depannnya aja). jadilah aq dipanggil Ika mpe sekarang..
Ni jawaban mulai aq publikasikan sejak aq SMA, pas jadi anak baru. Pas aq kasi tau, yg nanya pada ngangguk2, atau ada yang lebih panjang lagi "oooo..", n ada yang lebih extreme lagi reaksinya "untung panggilan qo gak uza,atau iruz, kan aneh.." well, thanks teman-teman.
Rekor ngejawab terbanyak aq alami di FK ini, karena pas ngenalin diri ke temen-temen satu angkatan, ke kakak senior, pokoknya ke siapa aja, rata-rata pada nanya gt. N aq udah nyiapin jawabannya skrg, n dijamin validitasnya. MMM..
Jadi, kalo ada yang nanya lagi, "knapa panggilannya ika?" Jawaban aq : "nama panggilan ini dikasih atuk, nama panjangnya dari mama, jadi ngasi namanya bareng-bareng". Tuh..canggihkan.. hehe!
(in memoriam of my grandpa who has gave me that nick name)