Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to enjoy your Sunday?

Happy Sunday!!
Glad i'm not working today. ThankGod i still can smell the fresh air, feel the wind, and seeing greeny leaves and weed.

How's ur Sunday?
Here's mine.

*blossom and awesome*

*white jasmine*

*i wanna jump to this weed bed!!*

*the road and the leaves*

*bare feet*

*hello, good morning. I'm using a scarf from my mom in law*

*can't see all this view without my glasses*

*the tools, ahahahha!*

*the garden. love the greeny scenery, leaves, and weed*

*my view this morning, what's yours?*

*my partner in spending this morning*

Really blessed for today.
Enjoy and cherish all moment u've had.


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